At present the Carlos and Sonia Haime Foundation develops the following programs:
Present Programs
1. 1. First Childhood Program operated by “aeioTú Foundation - Carulla, at Manzanillo del mar – Cartagena
Together with our Education and Health fronts, this initiative benefits yearly 390 children between 0 and 5 years old.
- 92 children assisted in the institutional modality that assists the “First Childhood Center in Manzanillo del Mar, from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 AM to 3:30PM, including breakfast, lunch and two snacks.
- 300 families and children are assisted in family modality with weekly encounters.
- More than 50 children graduated in institutional modality

2. Scholarship program Carlos Haime and Marlene Haime de Finvarb
3. Serena del Mar Hospital Center
The Carlos and Sonia Haime Foundation is in an evolution phase, going back to its origins to become a second level donating foundation.
At this new front, starting 2018 the foundation will invest philanthropic resources in Serena del Mar Hospital Center, a high complexity hospital which will have 158 beds and will be operated by Santa Fé de Bogotá Foundation.
From this initiative, the Carlos and Sonia Haime Foundation will receive valuable income that once the investment is recovered, will be dedicated, without restriction, to meritorious projects throughout our great country.
Our community legacy will remain valid

Support the Serena del Mar Foundation: Starting 2018, The Carlos and Sonia Haime Foundation evolves and goes back to its origins as a second level donating entity and highlights the consolidation of the Serena del Mar Foundation (FSDM), organization from the same group with the big challenge of accompanying Serena del Mar, the Dream City, in the generation of Opportunities for All in Cartagena, and that from our legacy will give continuity to community works in Manzanillo del Mar and Tierra Baja, and will also accompany the development of Villa Gloria, which is translated in a growing number of families positively impacted.
We invite you to join efforts with FSDM organization which works on behalf of all of us to participate in their three intervention axis: 1) Social Development, 2) Integration with the environment and 3) income generation.